Apprenticeship, a real gateway to employment, allows you to train for a profession and to integrate more easily into professional life and the corporate culture.
For the company, it is a question of preparing the skills of tomorrow by integrating people motivated to discover the business world and the diversity of its professions.
IIntegrating work-study trainees also means allowing employees to pass on their know-how and skills
This 2022 return to school is very rich for the Air Support teams because we have welcomed 7 young people on different jobs (HSE, Maintenance, Methods, Administrative), we will support them as best as possible in their career, in their future job and of course bring them to the validation of their diploma.

In 2 years we have almost doubled the number of work-study trainees within the company, which reveals a real desire to engage in supporting young people and training the skills of tomorrow
Jade, Apprentice HSE Facilitator
“I chose Air Support because it is a company on a human scale. Being interested in maintenance and aeronautics, I naturally turned to Air support. In addition, the missions offered correspond completely to the school curriculum of my license professional QHSSE (Quality, Hygiene, Health, Safety, Environment). With this work-study program as an HSE facilitator, I hope to be able to apply my acquired skills to the service of the company in order to improve the HSE part.” details Jade.
Amélie, Apprentice Stock Manager & Supplier
is therefore a great first for me and I find it extremely formative to be confronted with reality and to be able to confront an idea of a future profession in parallel with my Purchasing and Logistics license. My integration into the company was facilitated by the good spirit that reigns in my department. I discover a multitude of things, this year will be a source of learning for my greatest pleasure! explains Amelie.
Do not hesitate to contact us if our professions interest you!