An essential step for a company with an international outlook.

The presentation of the AEO certification took place on Thursday, December 2, 2021 in Pujaudran, in the presence of Sabine TERTRE, President of Air Support and Philippe MASLIES-LATAPIE, Head of the Economic Action Center (PAE) of the Regional Directorate Toulouse Customs.
Air Support, a maintenance company (MRO) specializing in the repair and maintenance of on-board aeronautical equipment, thus becomes the 4th company in the Gers to achieve this status: “our development ambitions on export markets have led us to work on optimization of our organization and our procedures. This label gives us a major competitive advantage over our international competitors.” explains Sabine Tertre, President of Air Support.

It has allowed us to optimize all the regulatory, economic, logistics and commercial procedures. Combined with the advantages of customs simplification provided by the AEO, this approach provides a label of trust issued at European level and is recognized on the international scene, which makes it possible to strengthen its position while controlling costs and reducing delays. We have benefited from the skills and professionalism of the Customs Economic Action Center teams throughout the preparation of the file and the certification audit.
The OEA approach
The AEO is a voluntary and partnership approach with customs. The AEO status allows any company carrying out an activity related to international trade to acquire a quality label on the customs and security-safety processes that it implements. Issued by customs, it is recognized throughout the European Union and in countries that have signed mutual recognition agreements. The AEO certification process is structuring for the company because it makes it possible to assess and control its processes in terms of customs and safety and security. There are over 200 similar programs around the world. In the EU, around 17,000 companies hold this status – 1,800 in France and 100 companies in the OCCITANIE region.